Friday, July 13, 2012

My Little Underwater Critters - Sea Slugs and Flatworms (Part 1)

I am going to jot about the mostly admired underwater creature, known as sea slugs. Well, in layman term, these invertebrates are known as nudibranchs. Just to make things clear that nudibranch (or nudibranchia) is the scientific term used to represent the order of true sea slug which is slightly different from other sea slugs in terms of morphology, anatomy, physiology and habitat . The other orders of sea slugs are sea hares, headshield slugs, sidegill slugs and sap-sucking slugs. Most non-scientific underwater photographer would mistakenly label all sea slugs as nudibranch. 

For those who are keen to know the scientific classification, or taxonomy of sea slugs, below is the full taxonomy of sea slugs up to order level;

                                            Kingdom : Animalia
                                            Phylum    : Mollusca
                                            Class       : Gastropoda
                                            Subclass  : Opisthobranchia
                                            Order      : Nudibranchia (True sea slug)
                                                             Cephalaspidea (Headshield slug)
                                                             Anaspidea (Sea hare)
                                                             Notaspidea (Sidegill slug)
                                                             Sacoglossa (Sap-sucking slug)

                                                          *source:  Behrens (2007) and Debelius (2001)

All photos posted in this blog are entirely from my own collections and my buddy's, taken from the diving trips in Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines with my dive-buddies. That was 2-3 years back and now I do not dive that frequent as I have been focusing on traveling. I miss these cute, colourful and charming little creatures that I decided to post  their photos and to reminisce the moments of encounter with them. The arrangement of the sea slugs photos is in alphabetical order and i am trying my best to include the taxonomy in the caption.

As what my dedicated dive-buddy and I have been photographing to date, the most frequently sighted sea slugs are from the order nudibranchia and most of them belongs to the family Chromodoridiidae. This order is then divided into 4 suborders, with which the suborder Doridacea has the most families in it, altogether 14 families. 
Family: Chromodorididae
Genus: Ardeadoris
Species name: A. egretta
Location: Sipadan, Sabah, Malaysia

Genus : Ceratosoma
Species name: C. tenue
Location : Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Photo credit: Kamaruddin Abd Manan
Genus : Chromodoris
Species name: C. annulata
Location : Coral Garden, Pulau Payar, Malaysia
Genus : Chromodoris
Species name: C. coi
Location : Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Inonesia
* this is one of the most frequently sighted species and normally found on walls or boulders. 
Genus: Chromodoris
Species name: C. coi
Location: Pulau Aur, Johor, Malaysia
* Mating C. coi found on a wall at Reyner's Rock

Family: Chromodoridiidae 
Genus : Chromodoris
Species name: C. colemani
Location : Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Photo credit: Kamaruddin Abd Manan

Genus: Chromodoris
Species name: C. dianae
Location: Mabul, Sabah, Malaysia

Genus: Chromodoris
Species name: C. fidelis
Location: Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Genus : Chromodoris
Species name: C. hintuanensis
Location: Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Family: Chromodoridiidae
Genus: Chromodoris
Species name: C. lochi
Location: Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
* this nudibranch should appear white here but improper white balance setting made it appeared bluish
Genus: Chromodoris
Species name: C. magnifica
Location: Cebu, Philippines

Genus: Chromodoris
Species name: C. strigata
Location: Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Genus: Chromodoris
Species name: C. willani
Location: Sibuan island, Sabah, Malaysia

Family: Arminidae
Genus: Dermatobranchus
Species name: D.  cf. albus
* This is a juvenile Arminid which is less than 2 cm in length. Macro lens was used.
Family: Discodorididae
Genus: Discodoris
Species name: D. boholiensis
Location: Batu Ibai Penunjuk, Terengganu, Malaysia
Photo credit: Kamaruddin Abd Manan

Family: Flabellinidae
Genus: Flabellina
Species name: F. exoptata
Location: Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
*frequently sighted and one dive spot which has abundant of this species is in Batu Ibai Penunjuk reef
Genus: Glossodoris
Species name: G. atromarginata
Location: Lemberh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Family: Halgerdidae
Genus: Halgera
Species name: H. batangas
Location: Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia

Family: Hexabranchidae
Genus: Hexabranchus
Species name: H. sanguenus
*Hexabranchus stands for 6 gills and this species can row up to 40 cm length. 
It's common name is Spanish Dancer

Before I keep on posting more photos here, I would like to share the variations of nudibranch of the species H. bullockii. Well, as the photos below, there are at least 4-5 variations of this species which is reallly interesting. It is difficult to determine if the variation depends on geographical factor, or it occurs randomly, since there is no specific observation done on this. Based on my experience diving in Malaysia and Indonesia waters, the purple H. bullockii can only be found in Celebes sea (Sibuan island, Mabul etc) but I have neer seen anything like that in Indonesia. But the bright pink H. bullockii nudibranchs have been sighted everywhere else, thought the shades of the pink varies. And as for the picture just below this paragraph, this was my first experience sighting this variation of H. bullockii. 
Family: Chromodoridiidae
Genus: Hypselodoris
Species name: H. bullockii
Location: Mawali Wreck, Lembeh Straits
Family: Chromodoridiidae
Genus: Hypselodoris
Species name: H. bullockii
Location: Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

The yellow coil is the egg mass of H. bullockii after mating. Note that nudibranchs are hermaphrodites.
Family: Chromodoridiidae
Genus: Hypselodoris
Species name: Hypselodoris bullockii
Location: Mabul, Sabah, Malaysia
* another variation of H. bullockii. This variation is found only in Celebes sea so far.

One of my favorite nudibranch because it is purple. Hehe...

Genus: Hypselodoris
Species name: H. bullockii
Location: Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
* Another variation of this species.

Genus: Hypselodoris
Species name: H. emma
Location: Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia

Genus: Hypselodoris
Species name: H. infucata
Location: Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia

Genus: Hypselodoris
Species name: H. maculosa
Location: Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia

Genus: Hypselodoris
Species name: H. whitei
Location: Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia
Family: Kentrodorididae
Genus: Jorunna
Species name: J. funebris
Location: Pulau Perhentian, Terengganu, Malaysia
This species is abundant in Malaysian underwater.
Local divers call it, Kungfu Panda and other names include
'funeral Jorunna' which I have no idea why it is called 'funeral'
Little Kungfu Panda about to feed on tunicates

Genus: Mexichromis
Species name: M. multituberculata
Location: Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia

A group of M. multituberculata which is a rare sighting anywhere else but in Lembeh

Nembrotha chamberlaini

Nembrotha cristata
Genus: Noumea
Species name: N. crocea
Location: Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia
Family: Phyllididae
Genus: Phylidiella
Species name: P. rudmani
Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Family: Phyllidiidae
Genus: Phyllidiopsis
Species name: P. phiphiensis
Location: Pulau Payar, Malaysia
Order: Notaspidea (Sidegill Slug)
Family: Pleurobranchidae
Genus: Pleurobranchus
Species name: P. forskalii
Location: L.I.P.I, Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia
* This slug was found during night dive, slightly bigger than a saucer

Another variation of P. forskalii

Species name: Prostheceraeus sp
Location: Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia

Species name: Pseudoceros bifurcus
Location: Menjangan Island, Bali, Indonesia

A flatworm, Pseudoceros sp., mimicking a nudibranch Glossodoris atromarginata. 

Famile: Phyllidiidae
Genus: Reticulidia
Species name: R. fungia
Location: Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park, Sabah, Malaysia

Genus: Risbecia
Species name: R. pulchella
Location: Pulau Payar, Malaysia
* A pair of R. pulchella is tailgating, or simply tailing and it is believed  

R. pulchella feeds on sponges

Genus: Risbecia
Species name: R tryoni
Location: Lembeh Straits: N. Sulawesi, Indonesia

Family: Polyceridae
Genus: Tambja
Species name: Tambja gabrielae
Location: Lembeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia

One of the largest sea slugs in its order

Family: Polyceridae
Genus: Tambja
Species name: T. morosa
Location: Lemeh Straits, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia
The colour of T. morosa may be dull, but it is lovely to watch its graceful movement

(To be continued to part 2 after I have acquired all pictures in my laptop)

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