Orchids of the genus Dendrobium
Hello blog!! How are you? hehe...finally I manage to spend some time to post something new about my life. Well, nothing special to many people but it's such an extraordinary things to do for a woman like my. The word is ORCHIDS....yess..orchids. I just had my orchid greenhouse (well, not the greenhouse made of glass..it's just..green!!) installed in the house compound. Since I moved to Kuala Terengganu, there is nothing much I can do, even my favorite SCUBA diving, due to several reasons. And since my Master project is not yet started, I spent my time looking

Hybrid Dendrobium (left and middle) and terrestrial orchid (right)
for orchids, hanging around at many nurseries, re-potting my orchids, nurturing my orchids, and everything about orchids. It's totally amusing but can be very tricky and confusing though. Hmmm....a picture plays a thousand words. And what I have hund reds of picture? Ahaksss...it does explain my new interest on this unique plant.Among the Cattleya species in my possession
In my so-called greenhouse, I have orchids which are belonging to the genus Dendrobium. It's relatively easy to determine whether it is a Dendrobium or not. But again, some might confused a Dendrobium with other genus such as Phalenopsis (I prefer to call it Butterfly). It's not just the flowers that we use to identify the genus, but the also formation of bulbs, patterns of leaves and a few others. Some orchids produce sweet scent, for example, my 3 Cattleyas produce very nice smell but unfortunately, the flowers wilt in a week or two. The flowers of Dendrobium and butterfly last longer, up to months.
The cheapest orchids I bought would be mini Dendrobiums. It is typical Dendrobium but the size is small and look cute. I would say they are just like dwarfs and pretty to look at. By the way, my favorite nursery belongs to a lady I called 'Nenek Orkid' in 4-junctions of Cendering. Spending time at her nursery is one of my way to de-stress my easily stressed mind for not doing anything.
There are a few species that I couldn't upload here because I didn't get the chance to snap the pictures. The flowers withered before I manage to get the pictures. Keep on delaying my intentions. Next time, maybe.
The cheapest orchids I bought would be mini Dendrobiums. It is typical Dendrobium but the size is small and look cute. I would say they are just like dwarfs and pretty to look at. By the way, my favorite nursery belongs to a lady I called 'Nenek Orkid' in 4-junctions of Cendering. Spending time at her nursery is one of my way to de-stress my easily stressed mind for not doing anything.
Hybrid Dendrobiums
The above pictures are the hybrid orchids. Hybrid as they have two or three colours on the petals. They look stunning. But I am planning to keep the non-hybrid orchids as well.Among my precious orchids (Phalaenopsis: upper left, Oncidium: upper right: Spidery Oncidium: bottom)
The most expensive orchids I know so far are the Phalaenopsis (Butterfly) and Oncidium (the one with bulbs). These genera need extra care where overwatering is not tolerated and overexposed to sunlight is always disastrous to them. Some Dendrobium may have the same problems and that is why, taking care of orchids means one is obligatory to know their needs and understand their fuss. Looks difficult but actually all one need to do is to give extra attention to them. It's simply wonderful once you see these orchids grow healthily.There are a few species that I couldn't upload here because I didn't get the chance to snap the pictures. The flowers withered before I manage to get the pictures. Keep on delaying my intentions. Next time, maybe.